Friday, February 2, 2007

Great Crazy News!

Travel time baby!

We just got word that schools get two weeks off at Easter, which leads into our last day. The 4th week ending on our departure date. Since all or most of our work is in schools we too have that Easter holiday. Aka we get a whole month off!!! Look out C.A., here we come!

COMMENT if anyone has tips on places to go in between Southern Mexico and Costa Rica!

Woo Hoo!


cli23 said...

I don't really have a suggestion, but just wanted to drop you guys a hello and hope you guys are doing well.

Susan (Lee's mom) said...

Hi Lee and Nancy

Thanks for the update. Hope the weather is good.
Alice is doing fine. She is still in the hospital. She is difficult to keep awake to eat. Once she is eating better she will be sent home. Alice is so tiny. I can't wait to see what Charlie does when he sees her.

Anonymous said...

lucky! and you are missing the bitter cold weather! I missed it until it came hahahaha

Sounds like you two are having fun and doing some awesome things! I would love to see Lee as a librarian! :P

Later chica and chico.